
Showing posts from 2015

Useful Shortcuts For Mac

Last updated: 28/05/17 Short cuts are combinations of keys that you can use to perform tasks with your keyboard.  Short cuts can save you a lot of time, so it is worth your time memorising them.  Nevertheless, there are lots that you can use, so I have listed a few that I find particularly useful.  These are my favourite short cuts for Mac (Yosemite). Safari and word processor short cuts Command + Z This will undo the last action.  This includes opening up an accidentally closed tab; you will have to use this short cut immediately, however. Command + A This will select all and can be used in many applications. Command + F This open or select the search facility in the application if it has one.  This can be useful if you are looking for keywords in a document and will even work in the safari browser.  It will save you reading through lots of text; it does the scanning for you and highlights the keywords you are lookin...

Number Types

Before you get started, you will need the following skills: Foil (Algebra - factoring) Exponent rules How to plot a graph How to divide and find the remainder  Surds You will learn about:  The different number types and be able to tell the difference. What a complex number is. How to add/subtract and multiply/divide complex numbers This ——>  ●  is a multiplication sign; i have used it in some places instead of x to avoid confusion Both rational and irrational are real numbers Rational numbers Can be expressed as a decimal or a repeating decimal like 3.333333…. or a fraction like 3/1 or 2/3. Rational numbers come in different types Natural              1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Whole              0, 1, 2, 3, 4         Integer   ...

Spotlight: The Operators

   If you do not already have Scratch or need extra help, please use the support page The operators manipulate data. You will notice that the blocks have different shapes.  Subsequently, some fit together into some blocks but not others.  Test it out and find out which blocks fit together The first four perform basic maths operations: add, subtract, multiply and divide where divide will give a decimal (the numbers entered in are floating point such as 6.0).  Remember the order of operations matters; furthermore, the rounded blocks will act as parentheses, so anything to be calculated first is anything in parenthesis. Example: (2+3+4) x5 = 45 2+3+ 4 x5 = 25 The next block will pick a random number between any two numbers that you enter. The inequality and equals signs < less than, for example 2 < 6 > Greater than, for example 45 > 20 = Equal, for example 3 = 3 The B...

Make a Maths game for your child part 2: Subtraction section

The subtraction section to your game If you are new to this blog, it would be better if you started  here and work your way through the steps in part 1 then come back this page.  Enjoy! Make a Subtraction sprite Amend the ‘Adding sprite’ code Make the Level 1 sprite Main code for subtraction Make a subtraction sprite First, select the 'Adding sprite'.  Click on the costume tab and select copy.  Select edit and then select the text button and change the wording from ‘Adding’  to ‘Subtract’ then click ok.  Select the costume again, double click on it, now select it and select turn into new sprite.  Your new sprite will appear in the sprite window on the bottom right and on the stage.  Position the sprite just above the 'Adding sprite'.  Rename the sprite ‘ Subtraction ’ and select the Scripts tab.   Figure 1 Second, add the following code.  Drag in three hat blocks from the ...

Spotlight: The variable.

Make a Maths game for your child using Scratch: The variable. If you do not already have Scratch or need extra help, use the Support page The variable holds a value. You can find the variable in the Code block section of your window (see figure 1) Figure 1 Note : the online version the variables are called data blocks Note this is different to the other windows.  You have to make the variable by selecting the ‘Make variable’ button.  Once you have done that, a window will appear and ask you to name it and select if it is for this sprite or all sprites.  If you select ‘for this sprite only’ the variable will only work for this sprite.  If you select the ‘For all sprites’, the variable will work for all the spites.  You will find this useful, but for now selecting for all sprites will be fine.  Usually, it is wise to name a variable using something memorable but for this excise just call it test.   Once...