How To Connect An XBOX ONE Controller To A Mac

By McDonald, T. | Date 30th of May 2020 This is much simpler these days than ever before. All you need is your controller, your mac and an app from the app store that is free. Go to the app store Search for Game Controller Tester Download the app Open the Bluetooth app on your Mac and make sure the Bluetooth is on. Open the app and turn on your controller. Press the little button on the front of your controller and hold it down, see figure 1. The XBOX button should start flashing. You should now see your controller in the list of Bluetooth devices, see figure 2. You might need to click on connect when you use it again, but it usually connects automatically after the first time. Figure 1, small button in front of controller will find a connection when held down. Figure 2, Bluetooth device list If you want to see what i did, here is the video. Happy gaming! Please like and subscribe.