Last updated: 26/01/18
Choose a link to a tutorial on programming, algorithms, data structures, maths or Macs.
Programming in Python
General computing
Coding the web
There is more to coding a website than you might think. However, if you break it down into smaller parts it becomes a lot easier. You will need HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript knowledge. You will also need a good knowledge of servers and internet protocols.
In computer science, sorting and searching data is all important. Using the right algorithm can mean the difference between a fast, elegant solution and something that is to slow. Correctness is not the only thing to watch out for when righting a programme; elegance and efficiency are just as important. Since in computer science time is not an efficient means to evaluate efficiency of an algorithm, something called Big O is used.
Virtual Machines
Choose a link to a tutorial on programming, algorithms, data structures, maths or Macs.
Programming in Python
- How to get started in Python programming Blog. This will get you started; however, it would be a good idea to work through the playlists on my YouTube channel then come back here to find out more about computer science.
- Python 3: A Beginners Guide - Playlist. Videos includes how to install pycharm (IDE), python (programming language) and pyScripter (IDE). Although you will only need one, I have included two IDE's so you have a choice.
General computing
Coding the web
There is more to coding a website than you might think. However, if you break it down into smaller parts it becomes a lot easier. You will need HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript knowledge. You will also need a good knowledge of servers and internet protocols.
- Build A Test Website in 3 Easy Steps
- HTML Lessons (Lessons start in video 3)
- What computer language to start with
In computer science, sorting and searching data is all important. Using the right algorithm can mean the difference between a fast, elegant solution and something that is to slow. Correctness is not the only thing to watch out for when righting a programme; elegance and efficiency are just as important. Since in computer science time is not an efficient means to evaluate efficiency of an algorithm, something called Big O is used.
- Algorithm playlist Sorting makes searching easier, so naturally there are many types of algorithms to do this. This playlist will cover sorting and searching algorithms.
Virtual Machines
- How to install Ubuntu 16.04 into Virtualbox 5.1 Blog
- How to install Kali Linux 2016.1 into Parallels Desktop 11 Blog
- How to install Parallels tools onto Kali Video
- How to install Java 8 JDK on Ubuntu 16.04 Video
- How to install Debian 8.7.1 on Parallels Desktop. Blog and video