How to install Ubuntu 16.04 into VirtualBox
A virtual machine is an easy way to test out a new operating system; it allows the user to run a guest operating system on a host operating system as if it was any other piece of software. Furthermore, Virtualbox is free and produced by Oracle. The o/s in the image above is OS X, El Captain, while the guest o/s is Oracle Solaris; it is two o/s’s running together side by side on the same machine. Many distributions of Linux are available such as Solaris, Mint, Red hat and Ubuntu. Ubuntu is the o/s i will be using in this example; however, the installation process is very similar for all the Linux distributions and flavours. It is always necessary to perform a hardware survey before installing any new applications to check if you device is able to run the application. First download and install Virtualbox . Before downloading, do a hardware survey to check you have the necessary hardware to run the operating system. Ubuntu is a linux distributi...