What is data?

By McDonald, T . | Date 14th of June 2019 We live in a world that is obsessed with data. Companies collect data on all types of people and things. You may have even heard the term big data or heard people talking about data, but actually is data? Data is neither information not knowledge, so what is it? Data is not information. Information is according to Lexico.com, ‘ What is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things .’ In other words, information is the arrangement of data into something meaningful. Information is usually generated in order to answer a question from raw data. Information is not data, but information does have data in it. Data is not knowledge either. Knowledge is some information that a person can use in conjunction with other information in a stack of knowledge. Lexico.com defines knowledge as, ‘ Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understandi...