Useful Shortcuts For Mac

Last updated: 28/05/17 Short cuts are combinations of keys that you can use to perform tasks with your keyboard. Short cuts can save you a lot of time, so it is worth your time memorising them. Nevertheless, there are lots that you can use, so I have listed a few that I find particularly useful. These are my favourite short cuts for Mac (Yosemite). Safari and word processor short cuts Command + Z This will undo the last action. This includes opening up an accidentally closed tab; you will have to use this short cut immediately, however. Command + A This will select all and can be used in many applications. Command + F This open or select the search facility in the application if it has one. This can be useful if you are looking for keywords in a document and will even work in the safari browser. It will save you reading through lots of text; it does the scanning for you and highlights the keywords you are lookin...