
Showing posts from April, 2020

Don't stand so close to me please!

Right from the start of the coronavirus pandemic, we have seen many countries introducing social distancing measures and the UK, naturally, followed suit not long after. Ever since then, complaints from people saying some are not sticking to the rules have been numerous. In response, the supermarkets have limited the number of people in the shops and have asked people to respect the two-meter exclusion zone around others in the shop; however, not everyone is doing this. Consequently, the lack of cooperation from some members of the public has caused some others to feel anxious. Now there is a desire to speak out at people at the time of the indiscretion, but this is not a good idea. Speaking out at people that violate your two-meter personal space exposes them to risk of infection, it exposes you to risk of infection and may expose others to the same risk. Speaking out at people at the time of the indiscretion is not a good idea because it may put that person at risk from infe...

3 great things to do during in lockdown

By McDonald, T.   |  Date 1st of April 2020   We have been in lockdown in the UK for about 2 weeks. Some people have lost their jobs and many others have their jobs on hold until this is over. Since the UK Government has said this could go on for up to two years, I feel it would be a good idea to share interesting things to do to pass the time. 1.  Education sites Use the extra time you have on your hands to improve your knowledge of any subject that you like. There are many sites that offer free education. Here are a few: The Open University’s OpenLearn This is a great university and has many free short courses that can help you improve your knowledge in many different subjects.  Khan academy This is something special because it covers so much and is lots of fun to use and is great for all ages. I recommend the Maths and computing sections, but you will be able to find loads more including Physics, Chemistry and Biology. BBC Bitesize...