3 great things to do during in lockdown

By McDonald, T.  |  Date 1st of April 2020
We have been in lockdown in the UK for about 2 weeks. Some people have lost their jobs and many others have their jobs on hold until this is over. Since the UK Government has said this could go on for up to two years, I feel it would be a good idea to share interesting things to do to pass the time.

1.  Education sites

Use the extra time you have on your hands to improve your knowledge of any subject that you like. There are many sites that offer free education. Here are a few:

The Open University’s OpenLearn

This is a great university and has many free short courses that can help you improve your knowledge in many different subjects. 

Khan academy

This is something special because it covers so much and is lots of fun to use and is great for all ages. I recommend the Maths and computing sections, but you will be able to find loads more including Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

BBC Bitesize 

This site is great for all ages too and follows the British schools curriculum.


Believe it or not you can find loads in the way of education on YouTube. Some of my favourites include: Numberphile, Computerphile, yaymath, MIT OpenCourseWare and of cause any computing language channels I can find, such as Bucky Roberts at thenewboston channel. However, you can find free lessons in almost anything

2.  Hobbies 

Hobbies can provide a lot of pleasure for anyone. Below are some examples of what you can do pass the time in lockdown.


This is a rewarding activity because it yields results to your efforts. I this time of uncertainty, growing food could cut down on the need to go to the supermarket or local shops and cut down on the shopping bill when you do.

Decorating the house

This one requires some skill and is something that you need to finish as quick as you can; a half-completed job will only add to your dismay. However, once complete, your home will look great. Nevertheless, finding the necessary tools and resources will be difficult. Everything your need, however, could be found online and delivered to you

Go walking, cycling or running.

Turn this into a game and take photos while you are out of any wildlife or flowers if that is possible. See if you can improve your performance while exercising. In addition, with the images you have collected, you can make a YouTube video about life in the lockdown or start writing a blog on it.

Become a blogger

Anyone can set up a blog and start blogging. Before you do, it is a good idea to search around for a blog hosting site that will be best for you. If you don’t like one site, you can always move to another.

Become a YouTube creator

Lots of people find satisfaction in creating content for YouTube. YouTube has all the tools you need to make great content including sound effects and music.

3.  Update and Upgrade you career

Take the time to update you CV and spend time looking for that job you really want. <add a CV template> If you haven’t already, set up a LinkedIn account and upload you CV to as many of the numerous job search sites as you wish.

To conclude, there is no real reason to get bored in. this lockdown with the modern technology with have at out disposal and the freedom to go out even if it is just for an hour a day. I wonder, will you waste this time or use it to your advantage?

Let me know what you plan to do in the comments below.


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